Directing the Conversation with Questions
A Question from the Sales Team: How do I discover information without asking rude and possibly offensive questions? Leading questions can uncover answers worth celebrating! I regularly coach salespeople to learn more about their customers. I often reference a bit from Harvey MacKay’s book from the 1980’s “How to Swim with Sharks without being Eaten Alive”, called the MacKay 66. It’s basically a 66-question list of things to discover about your customer. It covers all things personal as well as their thoughts around their company, job and career goals. Quite honestly, it’s an exhaustive list. But… I believe a salesperson armed with this information will outperform their competitors. And, since I have received the same question from several of my clients’ salespeople in the past few weeks, I feel compelled to address the topic. One young salesperson stated point blank, “I have been thinking about the questions you have asked me to d...