Product Training, Sales Training, Price Training?
It just dawned on me; the way distributors view training is skewed. After observing hundreds of confabs carrying the “Distributor Sales Meeting” moniker, I would characterize the content as product-centric community bulletin boards with an occasional dash of something else. Here’s my unscientific rundown of content: 49% New Product Introductions Everything you ever wanted to know about some new product. Often these are conducted by Supply-Partner field sales teams with little grasp of the local customer mix, competitive landscape or the sales team’s technical abilities. Only rarely is customer application information discussed. 20% Existing Product Re-Launches We started selling this product a year ago. After limited success, we decided some of the sales team didn’t pay enough attention to the product minutia shared last time. So here we are back with more information, only this time the sales guys ask a little better questions. 15% Delivery/Logistics Issues Tim...