Distributor – Supplier Etiquette
Lately I have been thinking about Distributor-Supplier Etiquette; or should I say the lack there of. As our industry accelerates through technology and demographic changes, we find ourselves with many new players on both sides of the distributor/supplier relationship. Training for supplier/manufacturer employees is directed toward products, customer types and factory programs instead of building a better channel. In addition, the demographics in our industry are forcing generational interaction; so we find baby-boomers and millennials seated at the same table trying to communicate. The chasm between partners widens; often based on simple lack of professional courtesies. Miscommunications and friction between distributors and their upstream partners are building. And, for some strange reason, nobody seems to be talking about it. I want to bring this front and center. To prime the pump, allow me to share a bit of the bad. A Good Example of a B...