The Specialist – Expand your sales with the Niche

“Find a niche and work it!” “We are a niche player.” “Our niche is small.” Work in distribution for any length of time and you will hear one of these phrases bandied about. Generally, when distributions hear the word – niche – they think of a small company calling on a very narrow segment of business. To illustrate the point, here is what many people would consider a “niche”: A distributor who works exclusively in providing lighting products to gas stations. Small, very narrowly focused and expert are all descriptions that come to mind. I suggest Specialists change their definition of niche. What if we developed “niche products?" We change the definition from customer types to product groups to achieve this new mentality. When a full line Electrical Distributor takes on a product which has very limited application appeal, we have a “niche product." The new niche would consist of products not destined to...