Preparing for the future – What our customers are thinking

I have long suggested distributor salespeople read the publications covering their customers’ industries. Back in the old days, I signed up for subscriptions to magazines covering everything from food processing to the mining and quarry publications. About one a week, I would devote a leisurely evening to skimming through the articles. Why? It, simple, because I wanted to know what might be on my customer’s mind. To an extent, I still look into topics I believe impact the operations of distributors’ customers. As I perused Plant Engineering Magazine, a publication serving customers of many knowledge-based distributors, I came across an article I believe needs to be examined. This article is titled “ 2018 Maintenance Survey: Playing Offense and Defense ” and offers some thought provoking stuff. Allow me to share. Two ways of of viewing Maintenance The author believes the whole topic of maintenance could be broken into a couple of components. First, as a defensive ...