A Distributor’s Guide from Above
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to address the sales team of a very progressive distributor. Zoom meeting etiquette calls for the speaker to introduce themselves and provide a bit of background. As I thought about my presentation, I had an epiphany. Every presentation I have made in the past 20 years could be tied to four or five guiding principles first developed when I joined a small Electrical/Automation Distributor in about 1991. 1. A distributor needs to not only know the technology of the products they sell, but they also must know how the product is applied. 2. That knowledge of both product and application must be used as a competitive advantage to sell more. 3. A distributor should be paid for what they know. Whether they are paid through higher prices or via fees attached to services, it takes money to fuel the study and training to know more. 4. ...