
Showing posts from May, 2023

IMARK Feature: Using Services as a Competitive Advantage

Come see why your services, especially those with a fee, are your ultimate differentiator when it comes to competition.   Making changes NOW will mean success in the future. Special thanks to IMARK Now Electrical Magazine for getting the word out! Frank Hurtte, Founding Partner of River Heights Consulting, shares his personal experiences with 28 years of "in the trenches" training and 18 years as a consultant.  He serves as a personal coach to industry leaders across many lines of distribution.  He has authored 5.5 books (one is almost done) and has written hundreds of articles for national trade magazines, including IMARK Now Electrical Magazine. Frank is also a sought-after copywriter of marketing materials for technology companies.  His charismatic, yet laid-back, easy-to-follow manner makes him a favorite among public speakers. ...

6 Distributor Thoughts for Successful Customer Dealings

I recently attended the AHTD Spring Meeting.  I always enjoy these meetings.  They keep me up to date with the industry and always provide plenty of networking opportunities.  It's important to eat meals and have drinks with future friends (I've never met a stranger) to gain insight.  During an after-hours meeting one night, a brand-new sales manager asked me about keeping customers as prices continue to rise. I thought back to an article I wrote for IMARK Now Magazine.  Specifically, I addressed how distributors could find new customers and nurture their current customers.  I began the article with these half dozen thoughts I believe distributors everywhere should use to better focus their businesses:    Thought One:   Over the years, distributors have done a poor job of selecting their customers.  In many instances, it is the customer who selects the distributor for reasons often unknown to the distributor. Thought Two: The cost of br...