
Showing posts from June, 2024

National Logistics Day- June 28th

Did you know June 28th is National Logistics Day?  On average, the cost of logistics is approximately 8% of everything we purchase. Consumers rarely think about this when looking for cheap delivery. In Distributorland, the logistics folks are often overlooked unless your customer has a complaint. People seldom call up to say what a great job they are doing. So yes, they deserve a day! These behind-the-scenes employees work hard to keep our customers happy, often working extended hours to meet expectations. Those in logistics have also encountered changes at every turn. Just like in sales, the landscape has evolved significantly over the past few years.   Has your department evolved?  Answer the following questions to see if your warehouse/logistics operations are keeping up the pace with changes in the world: 1.   How are items placed in your warehouse?  Are they by location? 2.   What process/tools do you use, like wave picking, to make order processing more efficient? 3.   How are er

Sales Sidebar: Vacation and Sales Metrics

Hablas Espanol?  My Scorecard If you are here from a teaser link you probably think this is about how taking time off to reset can help you better focus on your job.  Yes, that is absolutely true.  But ask my wife, I've never taken a vacation without my laptop.  I always think I'll get a lot done.  Best laid plans.  Leave the laptop at home, folks.  Moving on... Everyone who knows me is aware of my interest in learning Spanish. Over the years, I've made it a point to visit Mexico at least once annually and after each trip, I've felt determined to learn the language. A couple of years ago, I finally took the plunge and signed up for the DuoLingo app. One of the best things about this app is the built-in scorecard.  I set a goal each day and it tells me if I have met or exceeded my goal.  At the end of each week, I get a scorecard.  Here are the current results:  I have over a 1,100-day practice streak, an average of 2.6 daily sessions, and have learned over 2,000 words. 

Batter Up! Prepping Your Team to be On Deck

“In playing ball, and in life, a person occasionally gets the opportunity to do something great. When that time comes, only two things matter: being prepared to seize the moment and having the courage to take your best swing.” – Hank Aaron “Batter up!” Baseball is in full swing and so is succession planning. Are you building your bench strength?  If not, START.  Easy to say, but where do you begin? One key element is learning and development for your current team. Employees STAY when they feel an organization is invested and investing in them. LinkedIn’s 2018 Workforce Learning Report  LinkedIn’s 2018 Workforce Learning Report found that 93% of respondents would remain at a company longer if it invested in their career. LinkedIn Learning’s 2021 Workplace Learning Report  LinkedIn Learning’s 2021 Workplace Learning Report confirms that this trend still holds true. Gen Z employees especially place a high value on learning in the workplace, and the associated career growth.   The 2023

Force Fit "Solutions"

Have you tried to fit a square peg in a round hole?  It's a quick way to ruin your career ?  Just establish a reputation as a guy who “force fits” the wrong product into customer applications.  Customers will neither forget it nor forgive you for it.  Here’s a quick example.  I had a friend in the 80s who was so selfish he tried to make the wrong product fit for the customer.  My friend worked for a company that was offering a bonus for selling a particular product.  However, the product didn’t work as intended.  This friend and his customer spent weeks trying to make it work, but it was just the wrong product for the job.  Back then, without the internet or user groups, the customer realized that others had experienced the same problem.  The customer felt cheated and mistreated.  My friend, while happy with his fat bonus, ended up losing the customer's trust for the sake of a quick profit. He essentially sold something unsuitable for the customer's needs, and as a result,

Stop Giving Customers Free Milk- Guest Blogger Desirée Grace

Something about free milk and a cow… My midwestern roots are showing, but every time I see services or add-ons given away, I think about the expression, which implies that you are giving something of value away without getting anything in return, like a commitment or improved partnership. New salespeople, people pleasers, call them what you like, but they need to correct a colossal mistake. You should not be afraid to charge for extras. MAYBE you don’t charge if it’s your very best customers, as they have continuous growth, mutual sales and marketing plans, and a demonstrated commitment to your partnership. But for the rest of the herd? Absolutely not! Let’s look at some examples where those freebies are cutting into your profits, and what you can do about it. Late night or weekend delivery? You are paying a premium for your delivery service or your delivery person’s overtime. So, charge a service fee. Expedited delivery? You have the inventory in stock, at the right price,