
Showing posts from October, 2024

Mask Up: Stay Connected with Your Customers as You Move Up

The higher you move up in an organization, the more out of touch you become with the customer. This is a challenge all leaders face. And while many accept it and do nothing, it doesn’t have to be this way. How can you overcome that risk?  Well, you could lean on a few well-trusted advisors, or your internal management information system (MIS). You could also commission surveys or focus groups. All of these options, while worthwhile, have an inherent bias. The advisors might have a hidden agenda, or pet project to promote. The MIS system has no bias, but the data is only as good as the program. If the data is too “big” you have a different challenge of how to analyze the data. Surveys and focus groups are only as good as the people conducting them, and the participants still have good reasons to present themselves in a positive light. So, what is a caring, customer-centric C-level professional supposed to do? Put on a costume or disguise and masquerade as a customer. That’s right—put y