Green or Greenwashed? Customers Can Tell the Difference!

RHC Marketing Moment: Greenwashing Many of you may remember Tom Sawyer tricking his friends into whitewashing Aunt Polly’s fence. This canny trickery is still seen today, only it’s “greenwashing” instead of whitewashing. In Tom’s case, he fooled his friends into doing the work for him. With greenwashing, companies claim they are “green” or engaging in environmentally responsible behavior to gain favor with existing or new customers. This is often a case of all style and no substance or, as a good friend says, all sizzle and no steak. The danger of slapping a green label or purporting to be green is that it’s easy for your trickery to be exposed. Being environmentally sustainable and green can mean many things, but be sure you are doing some or all of the best practices from this list: • Recycling • Reducing paper and packaging • Switching to renewable energy sources • Using energy-efficient lighting • Conserving water • Purchasing sustainable products • Reducing transport...