Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day

Empowering Female Innovators Worldwide

Every year on June 23rd, we celebrate International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) to recognize and applaud women's exceptional contributions to engineering. This global initiative aims to raise awareness about the achievements of women engineers, promote gender diversity in engineering, and inspire the next generation of female innovators. By highlighting the accomplishments of women in engineering, we hope to create a more inclusive and equitable industry that benefits society.


Closing the Gender Gap

Historically, engineering has been a male-dominated profession. Women faced numerous challenges and barriers to entering the field. INWED serves as a platform to break barriers and foster a supportive environment for female engineers. It encourages organizations and educational institutions to address the gender gap and work toward gender equality in engineering.


Inspiring Future Generations

One of the primary objectives of INWED is to inspire and encourage young girls and women to consider careers in engineering. By showcasing the achievements of female engineers, we aim to break stereotypes and provide role models for aspiring engineers. Various events, workshops, and mentoring programs are organized on this day to engage young minds and demonstrate the exciting possibilities that engineering offers.


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

International Women in Engineering Day advocates for a more diverse and inclusive engineering community. It inspires organizations to prioritize diversity in their workforce, ensuring that women have equal opportunities for career advancement and leadership roles. By embracing diversity, the engineering industry can benefit from a broader range of perspectives and experiences, leading to more groundbreaking solutions to global challenges.


Empowering Change

INWED fosters a supportive network, providing mentorship opportunities, and advocating for equal rights and representation, this initiative enables women to overcome obstacles and succeed in their chosen paths. Through the celebration of International Women in Engineering Day, we not only honor the accomplishments of female engineers but also work towards a more inclusive and gender-balanced future.


International Women in Engineering Day serves as a reminder that women have played a pivotal role in shaping our world through their contributions to engineering.  On this day, let us celebrate the remarkable achievements of women engineers and commit ourselves to creating a more inclusive and equitable engineering industry for all.

Frank Hurtte, Founding Partner of River Heights Consulting, shares his personal experiences with 28

years of "in the trenches" training and 17 years as a consultant.  He serves as a personal coach to industry leaders across many lines of distribution.  He has authored 5.5 books (one is almost done) and has written hundreds of articles for national trade magazines.  His newest book drops later this summer.

 Frank is also a sought-after copywriter of marketing materials for technology companies.  His charismatic, yet laid-back, easy-to-follow manner makes him a favorite among public speakers.



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