Could This be a Breakthrough?

We just received notice from Amazon that our new book, The
New Sales Guy Project*
, has risen to number 503 on Amazon’s List of Top Selling books in the Sales and Selling category. 


Considering that our book is designed exclusively for the small group of folks just launching their selling career in the Knowledge-based Distribution world, which isn’t exactly a massive market, and that we have invested exactly zero dollars in advertising, we are kind of proud of the ground swell of support from our friends in the industry.


The top books in this category include works from some of Frank Hurtte’s personal heroes who produced books like:

The Challenger Sale by Matthew Dixon

Drive and To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink

Spin Selling by Neil Rackham


While checking out the list we also discovered that Hurtte’s other books are scoring well too.


The Distributor Fee-Based Services Manifest is tracking at 187 in the Distribution category.


The Distributor Specialist is out of print but a used copy is selling for $1,157 on Amazon.

Now is the time to jump on the bandwagon.  Equip your new salesperson with a copy of The New Sales Guy Project*.  Heck, grab a bundle of them and start a group study.  Even your experienced folks can learn something.  You’ll be glad you did and together we may be able to prove the Knowledge-based Distributor sector is alive, and well and building a future.

*denotes an Amazon affiliate link. Please see our disclosure here.

Frank Hurtte, Founding Partner of River Heights Consulting, shares his personal experiences with 28 years of "in the trenches" training and 18 years as a consultant.  He serves as a personal coach to industry leaders across many lines of distribution.  He has authored 5.5 books (one is almost done) and has written hundreds of articles for national trade magazines, including IMARK Now Electrical Magazine.

Frank is also a sought-after copywriter of marketing materials for technology companies.  His charismatic, yet laid-back, easy-to-follow manner makes him a favorite among public speakers.



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