Mid-Year Customer Check Up for Greater Profits

I know, everyone body says, “We are constantly gathering feedback from our customers.” The problem is the feedback is filtered: Filtered through the minds of your sales team, strained through the conversations of busy customer service types and sometimes percolated via your supply-partners' sales teams. What’s more, your customers are nice people. Mostly, they don’t like to report bad things. A few don’t take the time to think deep thoughts about their future direction and potential for outgrowing your brand of service.

Extending the point further, very few (I’ve only met one in the past 20 years) distributors arm those in contact with their customers with a measurable way of collecting customer feelings on various topics. The results speak for themselves with distributors losing key chunks of business “unexpectedly” even though the move would take months of effort on the customer’s side.

An occasional conversation with customers about future direction doesn’t show trends or results. Nor does a series of isolated conversations show trends for the distributor’s customer base in general.

It’s mid-year. No one can argue - This is a great time to test your theories. Ping your customers and gather information on the group as a whole. However, most distributors lack the time and energy for a full-blown customer-based survey. Yet, the benefits can be enormous.

With these thoughts in mind, you basically have three choices:
1. Do nothing and hope you have guessed correctly.
2. Add a survey to your list and “get around to it” sometime.
3. Conduct a real voice of the customer survey.

If you choose to take action and do something now. We
can help. River Heights Consulting has conducted a number of surveys – ranging from “old fashioned” phone the customer and ask detailed questions to easily answered electronic surveys.

We have three low-cost options to help you move forward
without a great deal of time investment. 

Click HERE for the specials NOW.
Email for more information.

Checking in now will yield greater profits later!

