Spring Cleaning and Distributor Clutter
My grandmother was the Spring Clean Queen. About this time every year, she began a process that lasted several weeks. She started with her carefully curated and revised list from the previous year, a habit she had maintained for over 50 years of housekeeping. Since I was Grandma’s favorite, I knew precisely where she kept the list. When I was eight years old, I thought about adding my younger siblings’ names to a couple of tasks. Two things kept me from doing this – fear and common sense. At the time, I did not appreciate Grandma’s plan, but as the years passed, I realized it was a great tool for maintaining clutter and keeping her small house crystal clean, especially for impromptu visitors. I decided to apply the concept to distribution, as well as to my workspace. Here are some distributor-centric fundamentals to consider: Declutter the office : · One distributor we know ...