AI- From Tacos to Transformers
Ever wonder what Tacos and Transformers have in common? Pizza and Pulling Lube? What they COULD have in common is AI Marketing. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal discussed how YUM Brands, the owner of companies like Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC, uses AI-driven marketing campaigns to increase customer purchases and reduce customer churn. YUM uses AI to send targeted messages customized at an individual level, looking at factors like location, weather, time of day, day of the week, etc. They are also personalizing messages. AI utilizes pre-written messages and sends them based on the factors mentioned earlier. The goal is more personalized ads that are better-timed and speak to the customer rather than blasting them with generic, one-size-fits-all clutter. And guess what? We can do this in our industry. Location: Let’s face it, Texas and Florida will need those industrial-size fans much sooner than Minnesota and Idaho. You could send messages to customers of your mo...