AHTD Day 2: Networking Extravaganza

AHTD Report Day 2- AHTD is a networking extravaganza.

Tuesday marked the official launch of the AHTD meeting.  The morning was devoted to a Board of Directors meeting which only involves a dozen or so members.  However, many attendees showed up early to engage in informal meetings with Supply-Partners and other distributors.  I couldn’t help but notice dozens of distributor groups huddled together to do some benchmarking.  Much sharing of information on the condition of the market and supply chain issues.


The official meeting started at an opening reception where the record crowd munched on appetizers and chowed down on the latest industry gossip.  What was the gossip?

  • Business continues to hold up nicely.
  • Supply chain issues are still a part of the business.  Could this be the new normal?
  • Finding qualified workers is a major deal and the AHTD Future Leaders Program is overflowing with smart folks who will carry the industry into the future.


One distributor said, “We send our people to AHTD, so they get a sense of the size, make-up, and resources available in our industry.  The cool meeting locations (in this case Palm Springs) are what everyone talks about before the meetings.  After the meetings, the conversations turn to the great ideas they captured while there.”


One of the best tips for attending any association meeting is it is nearly impossible to find someone during a reception of 350 people.  The lesson learned is: Set up appointments and rendezvous points ahead of time. 


My biggest disappointment of the meeting?  I won’t get to be a part of the Women in Automation breakfast tomorrow morning.  I know there will be some really awesome conversations, and I am jealous.


BTW – Here's a picture of AHTD’s Newest Member, Matt Zielinski of
IEC Supply in Tempe Arizona.

Frank Hurtte, Founding Partner of River Heights Consulting, shares his personal experiences with 28 years of "in the trenches" training and 17 years as a consultant.  He serves as a personal coach to industry leaders across many lines of distribution.  As a past 

Frank is also a sought-after copywriter of marketing materials for technology companies.  His charismatic, yet laid-back, easy-to-follow manner makes him a favorite among public speakers.


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