AHTD: Sleep is Essential, but...

Sleep is essential but…

Dr. Matthew Walker is the foremost expert on the subject of sleep.  According to his research missing an hour of sleep can be harmful to your health and mental well-being.  I recently read his groundbreaking book, Why we Sleep, and armed with detailed explanations as to the importance of sleep, I was forced to make a hard decision – sacrificing sleep versus spending an extra couple of hours engaged in some incredibly interesting conversations.

You can imagine which I chose...

Last night a small group of automation experts shared their thoughts on the impact of “reshoring” on the automation industry.  Here are some questions to ponder:

·         What regions will be most positively impacted by reshoring? 

·         Will the flow of manufactured products change from an east-to-west flow to a south-to-north supply chain?

·         Will the companies designing this new manufacturing be North American, European, or Asian based?

·         As the new facilities are brought online, which product standards will be most prevalent?

·         Will services be required and how might North American distributors and automation solution providers be involved?

·         Will the new facilities lean more heavily on “open source” automation equipment?


Going to bed late with all this on a person’s mind made for some interesting dreams…

My actual bed at the conference hotel.

Frank Hurtte, Founding Partner of River Heights Consulting, shares his personal experiences with 28 years of "in the trenches" training and 17 years as a consultant.  He serves as a personal coach to industry leaders across many lines of distribution.  As a past 

Frank is also a sought-after copywriter of marketing materials for technology companies.  His charismatic, yet laid-back, easy-to-follow manner makes him a favorite among public speakers.


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