The Time Bandit Strikes Again
Hey Buddy, you just stole an hour of my life: The Worst Sales Meeting in Years If only the real Bandit came with this shirt. Courtesy of Hey Buddy, you just stole an hour of my life. It’s not that I don’t have a few to spare, I plan to be around for a few more years, but… they say that time is money and you just called me to throw a handful of twenties down the drain. What’s got me hot? I just sat through the worst sales meeting of my life. Here’s the scoop: I was working with a distributor client and wanted to get a flavor for their company culture. I decided to sit in one of their sales meetings. I like to do this because I’m a product junkie. I enjoy learning about new stuff and the markets served by the product. I especially enjoy hearing how the products are targeted to customer groups/segments. As is typically the case with distributor sales meetings, the day was divided into one-hour segments with new suppliers being given the opportunity t...